








知识就是力量最近报纸上出现了关于知识问题的讨论。从图中可以看出,知识以握紧的拳头象征着力量。拳头发出“服从”的信息,威胁要用力量敲碎任何硬骨头。任务越艰巨、越有挑战性,拳头似乎就变得越有力。同样,知识作为人类最强大的力量,滋养着科学技术领域。一个领域越先进、越发达,知识似乎就越深奥。一个具体的例子是俄罗斯和平号空间站的杜纳普事件。与俄罗斯太空计划的情况一样,由于缺乏财政支持,该国无法再承担将和平号留在轨道上的费用,因此俄罗斯决定放弃该空间站。其效果既立竿见影,又影响深远。就目前而言,IVrLr的成功发射和倾倒已经向世界证明,人类,武装起来了pro-fca。 MD知识不仅可以建造东西,还可以很好地操作它们。对于遥远的撞击来说,/VFtr的千载难逢的成功为人类今后载人航天飞行提供了宝贵的、不可或缺的经验。然后,有一天,在狂热中,他们可能会出现在更多的大鹏太空中,访问火星,传播友谊,展示完美的知识大师。至于掌握知识的最好方法,我建议我们每个人“不要问别人向你学到什么,而要问你能向别人学到什么”。如此,我真诚地相信,每个受“拳头”保护的人都会有学问、有知识。





然而,经验或书籍都可能给我们提供错误的信息。我们的直接观察总是受到我们的信念、希望、恐惧、期望和偏见的影响,这可能会使观察结果变得不可靠。人们的观察能力各不相同,我们观察的可靠性并不比我们的记忆的可靠性更好,而我们知道记忆可能具有欺骗性。印刷在纸张上的信息有时也不可靠,可能印刷错误,甚至故意歪曲。例如,《牛津现代英语学习词典》中的Marxi**、Capitali**、Zioni** 等定义在原始版本和认可的俄语版本之间完全不同。







6 工作


life. In Japan, for example, prospective employees know that their employers will provide them with job security for their entire working days and they are better able to plan for their future and family。 However, many businesses are now realizing that their employees have less motivation to work and this leads to less profits for the company. I will describe the advantages and disadvantages of this system in this essay and I will show that ultimately ”jobs for life” is not good for a society。 Job security is very important for both the employee and the employer. For the employee, job security is important because she can depend on her source of income and better plan her future accordingly。 For the employer, the employee represents an investment because of the number of hours of training required and the company will continue to have a return on this investment. As we all know, feeling secure about where our future income will come from is very important for our well—being—anybody who has lost a job and has had trouble finding a new one knows that this transition period can cause a lot of anxiety. However, job security tends to lead to decreased productivity。 In general, employees who are certain that they can never lose their jobs tend to work less efficiently, thereby contributing to an overall reduction of productivity in the company。 A common example all over the world is that of civil servants。 In Thailand, for example, many government workers are so indolent that it can take days or months for something to be finished that should only take a few days. It is not uncommon to walk into a government office and see employees filing their nails, making personal calls on the telephone, taking three-hour lunches, or surfing the Internet for fun。 Finally, the model of capitali** is proving to be the most efficient model that we have right now. This model of job security completely contradicts the foundations of capitali**. We can see in the United States now that people are starting to change jobs, even careers more and more often. Some career consultants even recommend that employees find new jobs every three to five years. Even in countries that still offer job security for life, this model is showing signs of dying out. For example, in Japan, once famous for its lifelong jobs, both employees and employers are starting to expect that these jobs will not last a lifetime. Many of my Japanese friends travel back and forth between the United States and Japan are have been able to find temporary professional jobs while they are in Japan. In short, I disagree that companies should offer their employees jobs for life. We can see this example in some parts of the world and in other areas in the United States, but these examples are generally regarded as outmoded ways of conducting business. Finally, the models of capitali**, even though it may seem cruel, the so—called ”law of the jungle," are proving to be the most effective way to raise the standard of living of a country。 7transportation All means of transportation should be kept in good conditions. However, I believe it would be most beneficial for a country or city, if its government spent more money on improving public transportation。 This would result in substantial standard of living improvements. The volume of cars and trucks hitting the highways is dramatically rising every year. As a result, the number of traffic jams, accidents and carbon monoxide emissions are doing too。 All these factors have a detrimental effect on our quality of life. Expanding subway lines and railroads and developing an effective plan to combine buses and subways routes, would eventually lead to a reduction in pollution levels, less traffic jams and less stress for the people. If subway lines reached every corner of a city, people would not need to use their cars to commute。 Less cars on the road, means less carbon monoxide emissions into the atmosphere; therefore, the air we breathe would be more pure。 Less cars also means less traffic jams, which translates into less stress for drivers and better living conditions. Not every country has a well developed railroad system. Consequently, they have to rely on trucks and buses for ground transportation of passengers and freight。 Expanding and upgrading railroad systems will result in fewer trucks and buses on the highways。 Removing this kind of traffic from the highways and encouraging the use of trains, would be another way to reduce congestion on the freeways. The reduction of traffic, represents less maintenance costs for the government. This surplus of money could be use for other purposes. For example, a forest recovery program or a national campaign against pollution. Highways, roads and public transportation all require maintenance funds, but I think it is more important to think about the future and how to make our countries or cities better places to live in. Improving public transportation, will help reduce traffic jams, accidents and air pollution。 A safer, healthier and more enjoyable place to live awaits for us in the future. 8animal protection Some people think that human needs for farmland, housing, and industry are more important than saving land for endangered animals. I disagree with this point of view for several reasons, which I will detail in this essay。 There are two reasons that support this view。 The first reason is that all the creatures on the face of the earth have the same right to exist, be it a four—legged animal or a human, both have the same right-—just because humans have more so-called intelligence than do animals doesn't necessarily mean that they are naturally entitled to use any land as they wish。 The second reason is that for the existence of humans on earth, the existence of other creatures is essential. I say this because the presence of all the animals is essential to maintain natural order. We have seen the consequences of upsetting this balance in many environmental problems such as global warming. Furthermore, animals are a necessary part of our lives on Earth. For example consider the food chain of the rat, snake, and eagle. We know that certain types of eagles are endangered species. If the eagle is hunted to the point where it becomes non existent, then the food chain will be broken. As a result of this, the number of snakes will increase. This will result in greater environmental problems and could harm the lives of humans。 If the endangered animals are not protected the existence of humans will be in danger。 Our history has shown that if we continue to exploit our resources, particularly by destroying the land and therefore the natural habitat of plants and animals, we will ultimately harm ourselves。 Therefore, I believe it is vital for people to preserve land in its natural state. 9historic buildings It is very important for a city to have old and historical buildings because these kinds of place are a efficient way to welcome tourist from all over the world。 Additionally, these buildings offer a good way for people to learn about that city’s history and culture . It is obvious that for to have old and historical buildings provide a city many opportunities。 Because of these advantages a city try to preserve its old and historical buildings. First of all, since tourists generally like to visit historical place, a city in which there are a lot of historical buildings have more chance to be visited compare to others 。 These visiting increase city’s poverty, wealth and reputation。 Moreover these developments lead a city more attractive and clean. These kinds of benefits not only make richer that city municipality but also make richer people living in that city。 Obviously, because historical places are favorites for tourist trips, a city should keep its historical buildings in good repair and well—cared for its own future and interest。 Secondly, to visit old and historical building is a good and easy way to learn that place’s history and culture and keep that city lively. Particularly these kind of places are very important to teach a city's tradition, culture and history to young generation。 nowadays new generations came across culture shock。 To destroy its historical building cause serious society problems especially in terms of youth. People can have many information about that city by visiting these kinds of places。 A city should try to preserve its historical buildings to establish a bridge between past and future. To sum up, if a city wants to have many advantages such as to attract to tourist attentions and to keep its culture and tradition lively, it should preserve its old and historical building. 10Advertising Advertising is an all powerful tool in today’s world where communication means are varied and accessible by all, and reaching the target audience with the right message makes all the difference. Advertising is a medium through which, people can be educated about a particular issue at hand。 Advertising can be about a new product, a new business opportunity or in this case about a country。 I strongly agree with the statement that advertising can inform, educate and can tell a lot about the country。 I will support my argument through examples and reasoning given below。 Advertising can be of many forms: Printed and published information, through broadcast media and now the most important emerging means of all; that of the Internet。 All these forms of advertising have their own advantages and disadvantages. Advertising is generally responsible for the first impressions of a country in people’s minds。 In this case, what they hear about a particular country for the first time through any means of advertising, will result in it being a true picture of a country for that person / country。 So that's the reasons why governments of some developed countries have taken this issue of projecting the right image of their country through advertising very seriously. This is proven by the fact that their touri** numbers and advantages of living and working in their country are most highlighted than other countries。 This is nonetheless important in today’s competitive global environment where countries are competing against each other to attract new investments and business in their country。 All this directly effects the economic and development scene of the country as good or bad advertising can directly result in the country's growth。 For instance, in my country India, the Information technology ministry has spent substantial finances and efforts to highlight India's advantage as a global source for information technology workers。 This in fact has resulted in growth in the Gross Domestic Product of our country there by raising the standard of people living in this country and giving a nascent industry a chance to grow in a free capital environment。 This couldn't have been achieved without concentrated advertising of our advantages and economic benefits of developing software in India。 So I conclude to say that Advertising can not only tell a lot about a country but can also result in bring growth to the economy and prosperity to its people。 Adding to that, I would like every government of the world taking efforts to promote the best their county has to give to the world, here by promoting peace and prosperity among all nations. 特别提醒:如果大家想要了解更多英语方面知识,或者想要深入学习英语的,可以扫以下二维码,定制网校精品课程,高效实用的个性化学习方案,专属督导全程伴学。 想要写好英语作文,不仅要掌握语法和单词,还要多积累作文素材,小编整理了英语作文范文10篇,来看一下!喜欢的小伙伴可以收藏哦!
